
IT Cloud Roadmap

Cloud Computing, since a couple of years the Holy Grail for the IT organization? Cost reduction, more flexibility and ease of use. Reality shows other facts. Lots of cloud migration projects ended in a down note. Mostly because the reasons for migrating to the cloud were not correct and the migration path with potential advantages was not clear.

If you are thinking about adding some sort of cloud services to your IT environment, or want to completely migrate to the cloud, you don’t want your project failed. The IT Cloud Roadmap from Quexcel is your way to prevent failure.

When you decide to the IT Cloud Roadmap from Quexcel you are assured a thorough and inspiring approach. All starts with research within your environment. What is the current state of your IT Infrastructure? We interview various stakeholders to determine what functionality they need to perform their jobs the best way possible. We also research your business and industry. All in all, the collected data is ground for the IT Roadmap consulting services.

Based on the data, your needs and wishes we make practical recommendations provided in an IT Cloud Roadmap. Which workloads are best to start migrating? And to what cloud technology? How will the migration be performed, with what resources, in which timeframe and with what milestones? Upon completion of the IT Cloud Roadmap, you will have a clear understanding of the steps to be taken (both business and IT) and a practical document to work with.

After the IT Cloud Roadmap we do not let you completely in the dark. When requested Quexcel helps managing the project and assists with cloud migration, cloud adoption and consult on next steps. We are dedicated to serve you the best possible way we can. Are you ready for the IT Cloud Roadmap? Contact us today for your first appointment.

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